Friday, March 27, 2009

march dh nk habis and april nk datang dah!!!

hey hey dickheads~~~
lame siot aku dh tk mengupdatekn blog aku yg kosong bak rumah hantu ni!
so, since the end of march is just around the conner,
i will sum up all my journey all along march.
in the first period of march,
i was attacked ferociously by my TESTS results.
i was bruttaly slayed by addmaths.
strangled by physics.
drowned by chemistry.
raped by biology.
kicked by BM.
slapped by english.
but only these guys who did it vice versa.
i was nurse back by sivik.(hehe)
praised by history.
kissed by est.
hugged by maths.
and helped by agama.
that's the first part of the month.
in the middle,
there was this crisis in what am i suppose to do to avoid being dragged in to join the marching.
(i really really really hate marching ok?)
so, i decided to go for the drama auditions,
which untill now is unknown to me what happen.
so i saved my ass from being drag.
near the end of the month i was queit happy,
cos, it 's just happy ok.
that's all.
till nex time dickheads!!!!

roses are red,
violets are blue,
since it's all benn said,
now u must out of clue.
ps: i suck in making up rhiming stuff. haha.