Saturday, November 28, 2009



like oh my goat guys!
time seems to be flying by so fast!
it's just like yesterday i was worrying how will i do during SPM,
and now,
7 papers are down!
ok here's a quick recap on my SPM,
i totally slam BM even though he punch me a few times,
i told BI to kiss my arse,
SEJ.... we ended up tied together,
EST was like frying chicken,
MATHS,frankly speaking i was terrified at first looking at her but then i realize she's very friendly^^
as for AGAMA, all i can say is, we became friends^^
as for ADDMATHS, i despise him till this day^^
i'm waiting to meet the lovely BIO, haugty PHYSIC and gorgeous CHEMYSTRY
that's the recap so far^^
soon i'll be free ya'll!
just wait terrifying world!
i'm coming to face you^^
please go easy on me...
i'm still new to this freedom^^
this also means,
my last days of high school...
totally going to miss going to school everyday at 6.15a.m.
missing the canteen's delicious meals(which distribute to my enlargement)
missing the teachers that was nice to me^^
for the teachers who do not treat me nicely SCREW YOU!
going a bit lunatic now^^
got a few things to cover for BIO^^
can't wait to meet her^^
ok guys^^
see u guys later^^
hope soon la^^
can't wait to watch NEW MOON and NINJA ASSASIN^^

p/s:is that even the right way to spell it?